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Media or Us

They can make you Hero..they can make you villain...they can fake it and make it...they create, they can destroy.. coz, they can show what they want...they can hide what they want..they are media !! Powerful enough to create chaos or may be peace..
Some can twist the truth and make it fake...they can decorate false so beautifully that it seems to be true...
Media needs to be unbiased... !!
But, but...the thing is that...
Who we are??
Are we fool enough to get fooled??
Don't we have eyes, to see what's going on around??
Why are we so Media dependent??
It's not us being's our perspective !!
Media as a pure Eye is Myth..!!
Media these days can be bought..can be suppressed.... Media is getting dirtier than ill is no more pure... Proof is not beyond us...
Media now entertains us..
Feeds our perspective... Creates news and makes it more interesting and more fit for better market... Media is Advertising...they don't show the truth we need...they sell us the stories we want to gossip...fight and again chaos..!!
But, is our perspective so poor, that we buy such cheap news...oh let's not call it news let's call it just a story, a fake one..??
Yes, we are poor....coz, If it wasn't so.. We were much better as a a man/woman.. friend/neighbors....but, we are media dependent..this is why Media is Powerful !!
Coz, we give them power enough to twist the truth..we give them power to feed our perspective... You know why?? Coz, we let them rule our thoughts...our daily schedule...coz, we don't have eyes..we see what they show.. they show what we want to see...this is how it goes on...and on..coz, we don't have eyes ....we have screen that media gives us as a return gift against our trust...they show us virtual reality(decorated, exaggerated and made more spicy)...
Coz, WE ARE POWERFUL, not media....!!


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